Our Story

Unifying for Impact - Strategic Support for Impact Filmmakers, Nonprofit Leaders & Creative Activists.

Our projects support UN sustainable development goals. We promote diversity, non-biased journalism, compassionate awareness, and non-violent radical activism.

Who we are and what we stand for.


NEW MOON Impact Productions was initially founded by impact producers visiting DCA (Del York Creative Academy) in Africa for a cultural exchange in 2019. NEW MOON supports nonviolent impact activism through art and media, utilizing the knowledge of our expert team and community to to generate practical real world results through proven methods. All of our projects are selected based on their support for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Project types include film, tv, video and innovative media production, events production, multimedia campaigning, strategic impact & partner support.

We work to facilitate change through education, both by educating the public and providing education to our community of producers to help them amplify their purposeful works.