Our Mission
Promoting altruism and human rights through film-making.
Art is the human spirit yearning to communicate it's individual experience. Film is the most comprehensive modern artistic medium bringing together sound and light to communicate through a fuller sensory experience. VR, AR and other advanced filmmaking technologies take that experience even further targeting an ideal that could someday allow us to really look through each others eyes.
With smart phones the average person on the street has a camera in their pocket capable of capturing storytelling formerly only accessible to the extremely privileged. Through developing access to education & modern technology we have the unprecedented opportunity to empower individuals to tell their own stories without political or financial bias. So that we can truly communicate unbiased personal truths and develop a deeper mutual understanding as human beings.
Our projects facilitate change through education, both by educating the public and providing education to our community in order to continue purposeful works. We facilitate change by empowering our community of film-makers and creators around the world as story tellers, change makers, and philanthropists. Supporting industrial oversight, government and private programs, and working with partners to develop film community resources. Creating a branch between the media industry and community leaders to protect the champions working to improve conditions for human beings everywhere.