The ‘Samia’s Voice’ Fund

Together we will ensure that Samia’s Voice is never silenced.

Samia Yusuf Omar was one of two Somali athletes who competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. Omar had grown up in Mogadishu, and trained there during the Somali Civil War despite receiving harassment from local militia groups. Her story at the Olympics was covered by the media, and her performance was well received by the crowd. Following the Games, she hid away from athletics following threats by militant group Al-Shabaab. She ended up in a Hizbul-Islam displacement camp, and in pursuit of competing at the 2012 Summer Olympics, she crossed the border to Ethiopia looking for a safe place to train. She was trafficked north into Libya, where she was imprisoned. After securing her release she drowned off the coast of Libya while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Italy (in an incident similar to the refugee ship sinking last June).

Our mission is to keep Samia’s legacy and messaging alive and through this legacy to support safe spaces for girls & women (especially in athletics).

Feature Film

In 2024 we are supporting the release of a feature film about Samia’s life. Based on the best-selling book by UNHCR Creative Ambassador and journalist Giuseppe Catozzella. We are supporting an impact strategy that includes film screenings & educational events.

Running Events

Since her passing the UNHCR has been hosting running events in Samia’s honor. In order to bring more recognition to Samia’s story & legacy we are helping to bring a 5k to the US & UK in 2024/2025. These events will create safe spaces for women & girls while promoting awareness about the issues that girl’s face pursing sports.

““I love Somalia, but there is no peace. If Somalia had peace, it would be the best place to live in the world.”

— Samia Yusuf Omar