Expert Field Training Programs
Learn Practical Field Production on Location, Safety, & Journalism History
Key Theme 2022/3 Reforming the Narrative (Anti Erasure Programs)
Working with Field Experts Around the World directly on location. 2022/3 Locations include West Africa, India, Western Europe, North America
Interested in becoming a Student? Learn more by filling out this form.
It is our mission to support our students through International networks that can help them remain safe in the field, along with expert advice & training, street smarts, and compassionate idealism leading to honest, ethical standards.
Experts in field journalism, photography, production, cinematography, Blue Chip Animal photography/cinematography, as well as ethics, media history, and field fixing (working with local governments & communities) will guide students through field efforts in these communities.
Programs typically last 1-4 weeks
Our Key Theme for 2022/3 is The History of Erasure
In this program one of our feature subject is confronting the history of narrative erasure perpetrated by colonialism and self-proclaimed advanced societies of history (aka the individuals who have historically controlled the media. We will look at forms of modern narrative erasure (ie. lobbying and misinformation campaigns) while speaking with local historical experts in disenfranchised societies to learn directly about the lives of the people in these communities. Through this program students will be individually empowered to become true journalists in the purest sense of the word, proliferating honest, impactful stories to the world.
All Students must surpass basic standards and have exhibited a foundational level of skill through previous experience in their local communities.
Criteria for Admission: Body of Completed Work, Showcased Ability to Self Promote Professionally, Passion for Field Work & Impact Filmmaking.
For every paid student there is a 1:1 ratio of scholarship students, ensuring a diverse, skill based network capable of supporting stronger communities. Further empowering our students as future leaders in journalism.
Criteria for Scholarship: Financial Need in Addition to Above Criteria
To Apply: Submit General Inquiry to the Left or email volunteers@newmoonfilms.com with ‘Educational Programs’ in the subject title.